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Oticon Wins two CES innovation awards


Oticon Wins two CES innovation awards and best product overall @ AIHIP

Oticon still cleaning up on the awards category despite not having the newest platforms out there. I’ve always said I’m a massive fan of Oticon hearing aids and their computer chip that drives the hearing aids. The AiHIP award is a special one because that the one we as hearing aid specialists vote for. Basically it’s the one you the customer gives the best feedback on. The Oticon OPN1 is still the best no frills hearing aid on the market. As always you can try OPN1s here @ Lanarkshire Hearing Centre – Hearing & Wellbeing for 30 days at no cost to yourself.


So AI is all the rage and Oticon have released Kaizn. Kaizn claims to be the first AI assistant for your ears. 

Oticon has received a 2019 CES Best of Innovation Award in the Software and Mobile Apps category, and has been named a CES Innovation Honoree in the Tech for a Better World category, the hearing aid manufacturer announced.

Just as Amazon prime recommends new songs or TV programmes to watch based on a user’s past selections, AI or artificial intelligence in Oticon Kaizn learns from a hearing aid wearer’s listening preferences, behaviours, and social environments which in turn should predict their preferred listening preferences. their hearing aid settings will change on their own for an “optimised listening experience.”


Oticon’s Senior Technology manager said – “Oticon is a pioneer in the use of artificial intelligence in the audiology sector, with a long-standing commitment to innovation and excellence in technology that improves hearing and overall quality of life for people with hearing loss, With Kaizn, we tap the full potential of data-driven personalised hearing care, using a combination of real-time local data, aggregated ‘big’ data, and artificial intelligence to deliver a best sound experience.”


Oticon OPN hearing aids with Kaizn technology will collect and analyse data around the user and how they use the hearing aids and in which listening environments. By doing this it will learn their behaviours and preferred hearing levels and provide in situ recommendations of hearing level along with adjustments. The AI-powered tool communicates with hearing aid wearers at key moments to learn their “intent” or what they want to gain from different sound environments.


Oticon and Kaizn will recognise when a hearing aid wearer enters different environment with different sound challenges. It will then communicate with the hearing aid wearer and ask if it wants for example focused listening or comfort listening. When the hearing aid selects what preferences they wish the Oticon Kaizn technology will duly adjust to their preferences. Over time the Oticon OPN hearing aids will learn the users behaivours and adjust automatically….. Brilliant or what!! 

Oticons Vice President of Audiology Donald Schum had this to say about the Oticon Kaizn technology –  “Kaizn will support hearing care professionals in their efforts to engage and encourage patients to become active partners in their hearing healthcare, This ever expanding, ever improving AI-based solution and system will allow hearing care professionals to provide continuous added value that enables patients to optimize the choices they make daily that affect their hearing health and overall well-being.”

So what the heck is Kaizn you ask? 

The word derives from Japan and means – Change for the better. I like that! I may even get a tatoo of it watch this space!!

As always for a free trial of any product with no obligation to purchase please contact Lanarkshire Hearing Centre direct.

Steven Ross (MSHAA, RHAD) 

58 Cadzow Street,

t:   01698 283549
m: 07340 746950

e: info@lanarkshirehearingcentre.co.uk
