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November 5, 2019The Ays and the Dinnaes of Ear Wax by Lanarkshire Hearing Centre
Have you ever tried to remove ear wax yourself?
Do you wonder how you should keep your ears clean?
Read our guide to Aye’s it good and the Dinnae dae that’s with ear wax.
Get your ears cleaned from an ear wax specialist don’t risk doing it yourself.
Lanarkshire Hearing Centre has a purpose built ear wax removal room that is safe and modern. We have cleaned 1000’s of ears safely.
Ear Wax love it or hate it I can tell you it’s hear (see what I did there), to stay. Ceruman the correct name for Ear Wax comes in many different shapes, colours and sizes. Ear wax generally a dark yellow or brown colour manifests itself in the outer portion of the ear canal. Its job is to keep your ear clean…… YES that’s right ear wax is not dirty it’s perfectly natural and healthy protecting your ears from dust, bacteria and even little tiny creatures from crawling down your ear canal and living there.
So why are we so obsessed with cleaning wax out our ears? It’s healthy, its unavoidable and Ear wax is clean. Regardless there are some people who just don’t want wax in their ears. There are of course the natural causes to have ear wax cleaned out your ear –
- Excessive ear wax
- Excessively hairy ears
- Having to wear ear defenders at work
- Wearing hearing aids
All of these can contribute to an ear wax blockage.
Here are our recommended Aye it’s all right and dinniae dae that’s when it comes to ear wax removal
The Aye its all right
- Ear wax is good. If its not blocking your ears from hearing okay then its okay to be left alone. Ear wax is a common cause of sudden hearing loss if you have not experienced a sudden hearing loss due to ear wax then your ear wax may be best left alone.
- Before getting the DIY kit out to remove your earwax… Cotton buds, Kirby grips, matchstick or Lego Darth Vaders lightsabre…. Seek an expert opinion. Your ear drum is only 0.1 of a mm thick its just not worth it.
- Look for an expert opinion if your hearing suddenly goes. Also, if you begin to feel pain inside your ear canal or there is buzzing known as tinnitus or even your ear feels full seek professional help and don’t try and remedy it yourself.
- Understand the cause and effect of ear wax in the ear. Some causes of impacted ear wax are –
- Do you wear ear protection at work?
- Do you swim a lot?
- Do you rub your ears a lot?
- Do you poke things down your ears?
- Do you have narrow ear canals?
- Do you wear hearing protection?
Some effects of impacted ear wax are –
- You could feel a dullness in your hearing.
- Is your ear ringing or if you are wearing a hearing aid is it whistling?
- If you move your ear around do you hear better, then it goes again?
- Is your voice echoing inside your head?
- Do you have pain in your ears?
The Dinnae Bother’s
- As my granny used to say…. Nothing smaller than your elbow should go down your ear! (she never used to say this… I’m sure the guy who told me this also lives the lie and his granny never told him either). Say no to cotton buds! Again your ear drum is 0.1 of a mm! Your ear drum has no chance from a cotton bud.
- Don’t over clean your ear canals. Ear wax is good not bad. Flushing your ear canals out with the shower is not a good idea. If you get the water angle wrong you could burst your ear drum. Also a reduced amount of ear wax or no ear wax in your ear could cause irritation or infection.
- Ear Candles dinnae bother!!! Although not as dangerous as a cotton bud Ear candles or hopi ear candles are nonsense. Don’t believe me? Then come along and we will take a picture of your ear wax before and after the hopi candle experience. I can tell you your ears will still be full of ear wax. If that does not put you off there is always the chance of damage to the ear canal or ear drum.
- Do not watch you tube then have a go for yourself. Yes people have admitted to us that they have tried to remove it after watching YouTube videos on ear wax removal. Home ear wax removal kits from Amazon tend to be the favourite. The worst… A corkscrew that you screw in your ear that wraps ear wax around it… A syringe with no instructions but lots of promises none of which was we promise to blow your ear drum if you use the contraption. Just don’t do it!
Always seek professional advice when it comes to ear wax especially when it comes to ear wax removal.
Lanarkshire Hearing Centre provides
- Ear Wax Removal by micro suction
- Same Day appointments available
- Ear Wax removal by fully trained staff
- Ear Wax removal in a safe and custom built environment
- Only purpose built ear wax removal room in Lanarkshire
- Safety is our number 1 priority
For more information on ear wax removal click on the links below which explain our procedures in full along with the FAQ’s
Steven Ross (MSHAA, RHAD)
58 Cadzow Street,
t: 01698 283549
m: 07340 746950
e: info@lanarkshirehearingcentre.co.uk